Qbitia’s portfolio of services is aimed at making it easier for managers to focus on what is most important: results.
QVAF - Financial asset valuation
Independent valuation service for all types of financial instruments and underlying assets (equities, interest rates, commodities, inflation, FX or credit).
QRISK - Financial risk analysis
Financial risk consulting service, especially in the areas of measurement and analysis of risks of institutions and of any type of investment portfolio.
QDCR - Delegation of risk control
Risk control function delegation service.
QKID - Production of KID
Comprehensive KID management service for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products.
QDN - Management of financial information and data
Technological infrastructure and service for efficient data management and process automation, that can be easily integrated with any information feed and with the client’s or third-party’s services.
Technology consulting
Custom-built data processing solutions for management efficiency.
Advisory and customised services
Advice on financial valuation and risks, adaptation to new regulatory procedures and preparation of independent reports.
QCAID - Trading automation
Platform to automate trading in a simple way with backtesting, simulation and execution functionalities.