More than 20 years of experience in the valuation of financial instruments and the measurement of their risks

Our team helps you with the valuation of financial instruments and risk measurement, covering all regulatory requirements

QDCR - Delegation of risk control

Delegation of the risk control function according to the regulations for investment firms and managers.

QRISK - Financial risk analysis

Financial risk measurement and analysis service (market, credit, liquidity and sustainability) for collective investment schemes (CIS), venture capital investment funds (VCIF), pension funds or investment funds.

QVAF - Financial asset valuation

Specialized valuation service for every type of financial instrument aimed at banks, investment firms, managers and companies.

QTEC - Evaluation of hedge accounting effectiveness

Service for measuring the effectiveness of hedge accounting based on current regulations.

QKID - Production of KID

Service for the production and comprehensive management of KID of PRIIPs.

QRIF - Financial instrument classification

Definition of the classification parameters and complete cataloging of the risks of financial instruments.

Advisory and customised services

Specialized service for reviewing models of financial instrument valuation, advising on risk models, defining processes for regulatory compliance and executing calculations for internal or regulatory reports.